Organizational mechanisms for implementing Russia's Arctic strategy in the 21st century

Автор: Zaikov Konstantin S., Kondratov Nikolay A., Lipina Svetlana A., Bocharova Lina K.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Political processes and institutions

Статья в выпуске: 39, 2020 года.

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The Arctic in the 21st century remains a popular topic in the natural-scientific, economic, socio-humanitarian and political spheres. The relevance of studying the Arctic is determined by the fact that in recent decades, deep and irreversible transformations have taken place in this region, and a full understanding of the causes and consequences of which for the economy and environmental management has not yet developed. As a result of climate change and globalization, there is a growing interest in the Arctic macro-region on the part of many foreign countries that developed strategies and programs for the development of national Arctic zones at the beginning of the XXI century. Against the background of global competition for resources and transport communications, it seems relevant to analyze the features of the development of Russia's state policy for managing the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the XXI century. The article analyzes the mechanisms of implementation of Russian state policy in the Arctic based on the strategic planning system and reveals the bottlenecks in the system of state management of the Arctic region. It is concluded that the core of Russia's policy in the Arctic is innovative modernization that can ensure sustainable socio-economic development, infrastructure development, rational use of natural resources, protection of local ecosystems and development of indigenous communities.


Arctic zone of the russian federation, state policy, strategic planning, program-target approach, support zones of development, innovations

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IDR: 148318394   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2020.39.75

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