The main features of military translation of abbreviations and acronyms

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The article considers the issue of translating abbreviations and acronyms in the field of military translation, which is a difficult task requiring a deep understanding of all linguistic aspects. Successful translation requires the translator not only to know the language, but also to understand the context in which these terms are used. Unsuccessful translation examples emphasize the importance of a careful approach and the need to take into account all the nuances in order to avoid misunderstandings and maintain the accuracy of information transmission. In the context of globalization and international cooperation, the correct translation of military acronyms is becoming especially relevant, as it contributes to more effective interaction between different countries and cultures.


Abbreviations, acronyms, military translation, adaptation, cultural context, geopolitical tensions, cybersecurity

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IDR: 170207204   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-139-142

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