Peculiarities of animalistic phraseological units in the Khakass language

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This article is devoted to the study of semantic features of the representation of phraseological units with an animalistic component in the Khakass language. The phraseology of the Khakass language, like many other ethnic languages, is rich in figurativeness and metaphor, where a person often becomes the central figure, to whom the leading features of animals are transferred. The author has made an attempt to present a variety of meanings of phraseological units with a single component, as well as to identify figurative models in the Khakass language. In general, the images of 12 animals, birds and insects are represented in Khakass phraseological units with an animalistic component.


Khakass language, anthropocentrism, phraseological unit, animalistic component, zoonym

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IDR: 170206993   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-4-124-126

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