Peculiarities of business communication in multiethnic educational environment

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Some peculiarities of business communication in multiethnic educational environment are described in this article. In the modern Russian society multiethnic educational environment is one of the most intensive zones of interethnic contacts, which creates considerable difficulties in the course of education and training of school students. Special relevance in these conditions is acquired to providing conditions of influencing the formation of personality ready for effective interethnic communication, keeping the ethnic identity and striving for understanding and respect of other ethnic cultures, capable of living in peace with representatives of different nationalities. There are a lot of similarities in various cultures, but at the same time there are also considerable differences in that how people perceive and estimate the world around, express their emotions, work, have a rest, etc. Each nation has traditions and customs of communication and behavior whose ignorance can lead to misunderstanding of the partner, to serious mistakes in perception of these or those situations, to the wrong understanding of motives of people's behavior. In the professional activity of teachers, working in the conditions of the multiethnic educational environment, there are often situations of cross-cultural Russian-speaking business communication happening within diverging national stereotypes of thinking and behavior, differing language pictures of the world, special ethnopsychological characteristics. The ability of a teacher to properly understand verbal and nonverbal manifestations of a child helps him to choose the correct tone, words, influence methods, the style of relations with students in each situation. For the successful implementation of business communication in the multiethnic educational environment a teacher has to consider cultural and specific and ethnopsychological features of representatives of different nationalities, observe the principles of tolerant attitude towards representatives of various nationalities, their cultures, beliefs, traditions and languages.


Business communication, pedagogical communication, multiethnic educational environment, cross-cultural communication, national traditions of communication, ethnopsychological peculiarities

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