Peculiarity of physical development, health and academic success of junior school students with general speech pathology

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More often children enter the primary school with the diagnosis «the general speech pathology» (GSP). It renders a substantial negative influence on a specific character of physical development, health condition and academic success of junior school students. Twenty-five junior school students with GSP of level III and IV participated in the study. To detect students' GSP, testing of speech development level according to E.V. Mazanova's recommendations was used. Physical development, health and academic success were studied using the analysis of scientific and methodological sources and documentary materials, testing, expert evaluation, surveys (conversations, questionnaires), plantography and methods of mathematical statistics. The findings of the study are the following: - for junior school students with GSP, the indices deviation of physical development from average age norms is characteristically. Indices of growth and weight among junior school students, having GSP, are on a low development level of 64 %; - students have numerous concomitant diseases besides GSP; - medical people underestimate the number of children having deviations in health on 72 %; - progress on the compulsory subjects varies from a low (3.17) up to quite a sufficient (4.93) level. The findings reflect an emerging trend of decreasing physical development indices and a level of children health in Belgorod region. Low indices of physical development, the level of health and academic success of the junior school students with GSP is a grand problem requiring close attention of educators, physicians and specialists in the area of physical education.


Physical development, level of health, general speech pathology, academic success, primary school, junior school students, peculiarity, deviation in health

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IDR: 14263978

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