Features of formation of inter-ethnic tolerance among students

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The article is devoted to an urcent scientific problem the consideration of the peculiarities of the formation of ethnic tolerance among students. The definitions and essential characteristics and content aspects of the concepts of «tolerance», «interethnic tolerance», «ethnic identity», «intercultural sensitivity», «multicultural education» are considered in detail. The factors influencing the formation and development of interethnic tolerance of students in the process of interethnic interaction in a multicultural environment are determined. The reasons of the emergence of intolerance in the youth and student environment are considered. The levels of tolerance development are highlighted and the tasks facing the pedagogical process in a modern university in the context of the formation of interethnic tolerance among students. The main theoretical provisions and practical are summarized formation of interethnic tolerance in universities.


Students, student youth, ethnic tolerance, interethnic tolerance, interfaith tolerance

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144162942

IDR: 144162942   |   DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2023-451-118-124

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