Features of online course functioning in the educational process of high school

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The article discusses the problem of using an online course in the context of education reform and the introduction of new Educational Standards in higher education. Analysis of the phenomenon of distance and, more broadly, electronic education has made it possible to establish its universality and the ability to integrate into the traditional education system, forming a mixed type. Analysis of modern pedagogical experience gives grounds to talk about the effectiveness of both distance learning and blended learning. However, a number of problems arise, both of an objective nature Internet speed, mastery of technology, availability of adapted programs and educational materials; and subjective the ability to build communication, readiness to update pedagogical technologies and tools, the desire to master technologies. We have identified forms of interaction between electronic and traditional education distance asynchronous, distance synchronous, hybrid and concluded that the course of the educational process has completely changed with the inclusion of online courses. In this case, learning is transformed from the process of acquiring knowledge into the formation of an active educational environment with the building of intellectual and personal communication and significant educational potential. The scientific novelty of the results of the study lies in the comprehensive understanding of the online course in the system of the university educational process.


Online course, distance technologies, mooc, synchronous and asynchronous learning, lifelong learning

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163014

IDR: 144163014   |   DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2023-451-99-108

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