Features and problems related to the teaching of special disciplines

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Materials of the special discipline «Circuitry» (analog, digital) are basic practically for all areas of science and technology. Circuitry «surrounds» us in almost all spheres of the ubiquitous use of electronics in everyday life. Teaching the discipline «Circuitry» has a number of specific features and problems that are typical for both students and teachers. Questions concerning knowledge and competencies, gadgets and digital autization, bachelors and higher education, distant studying and digital inequality, students’ motivation and problems, professionalism of teachers are considered. A decrease in the number of hours of theoretical training in favor of hours for mastering competencies when planning leads to a deterioration in the level of training, both in acquiring professional knowledge and in mastering competencies. The criteria of higher education that determine the training of specialists with fundamental, broad knowledge, on the basis of which new knowledge and new technologies will be formed, are not feasible in the professional training of bachelors. Acquisition of higher education in a given, chosen special direction should be conscious, motivated, after mastering the competencies within the framework of special professional education. This would lead to the solution of many problems for both students and teachers. Many problems of students and teachers are determined by the weak level of pre-university, school school training, which has largely become dependent on the excessive use of gadgets that impair the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren. The main task of the teacher - to give good knowledge to students - is feasible if the teacher is not interfered and overloaded with other tasks. The material is presented for discussion.


Circuit engineering, competencies, gadgets, digital autism, bachelors, specialists, distance learning, professional knowledge

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140295760

IDR: 140295760   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2022.20.1.15

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