Features of the use of the principles of cultural and leisure activities in the practice of educational institutions

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The article addresses the question of development of social and cultural sphere; in particular its methodological categories such as the principles of social and cultural activity. The author underlines the importance of transition from the object to the subject as the central position in educational process, as well as states the necessity of complex approach to carrying out educational process. This transition from the object of education to its subject is the key moment in the shaping of personality. Resorting to the practical experience of the child project “Zazerkalie”, which organizes year-round active leisure for children and teenagers, the article describes the basic operation principles of development and realization of cultural-teaching projects, outlines their main purposes and their roles providing real-life examples. The author emphasizes the importance of a complex approach to implementing a cultural-teaching program which is aimed at shaping the personality of young members of society. The principles described in the article can be realized within any kind of cultural- teaching program.


Operation principles, leisuretime activities for young people, cultural-teaching projects, learning, upbringing

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160400

IDR: 144160400

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