Features of mathematical education of university students in modern training conditions of competitive technical profile specialist

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The subject of the article is the features of mathematical education of technical University graduates in the conditions of training a competitive graduate of technical profile. The main topic is the role of mathematical education in the training of competitive technical specialists. The purpose of the work is to reveal the features of mathematical education of technical University graduates in the conditions of training a competitive graduate of technical profile. The methodology of the work is to find the theoretical directions of scientific research related to the improvement of mathematical education of technical University graduates to perform future professional activities. The results of the work reflect the identified abilities, representing the psychological and personal characteristics of the qualities of creative thinking of students of technical University, on the basis of which there is the formation of their professional and personal qualities of a competitive specialist list in the modern labor market. The field of application of the results of the study is the process of formation of professional and personal qualities of technical specialists through the study of disciplines of the mathematical cycle, ensuring their competitiveness. Formation of professional and personal qualities of future specialists of technical profile in the process of teaching mathematical disciplines is the most important condition for productive cognitive activity, active research-based search, making adequate decisions in the future professional activity. At the same time, directed thinking and organized mental activity of technical University students are important factors for the successful acquisition of cognitive knowledge in the field of mathematics and the formation of competitive advantages among graduates of technical University.


Personal qualities, competences, competitiveness, mathematical disciplines, formation of professional and personal qualities, creative activity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314337

IDR: 148314337

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