Peculiarities of molecular-mass characteristics of butylacrylate - vinylbutyl ether copolymers after compensating copolymerization in the boiling monomer in the presence of triethylboron introduced by various methods

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Copolymerization of butyl acrylate with vinylbutyl ether was carried out by compensating copolymerization in the boiling monomer in the presence of tri-n-butylboron introduced by various methods: as a solution in vinylbutyl ether or as a complex with hexamethylenediamine, after the isolation of trialkylborane from it was carried out by adding the amount of methacrylic acid commensurable with amineto the solution. The results of analysis of the composition and molecular-mass parameters of the copolymers in comparison with those after the process with azoisobutyrodinitrile indicate the same equimolar composition for all cases; however, with different molecular mass parameters and monomer conversion, which is associated with the formation of tri-n-butyl boronradicals of different nature and their participation in the formation of macromolecules.


Butyl acrylate, vinyl butyl ether, compensating copolymerization, tri-n-butylboron, composition, molecular-mass parameters

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147160407   |   DOI: 10.14529/chem170407

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