Features of ontogenesis of Scutellaria scordiifolia Fisch. ex Schrank. (Lamiaceae) in introduction

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The article presents data on the development of the stolon-forming perennial plant Scutellaria scordiifolia Fisch. ex Schrank. in the conditions of an introduction nursery. The main element of the structure of the shoot system of a stolon-forming plant is a specialized shoot of vegetative propagation, consisting of a stolon, the active part that sprouts in an aboveground shoot. The complete ontogenesis of a plant from a seed is complex, consisting of the ontogenesis of a genet-plant from a seed and abbreviated ontogenies of vegetative generations of ramets. Seed plant ontogenesis is carried out during the first year of vegetation. The primary shoot goes through the following phases of morphogenesis-primary shoot (j-v), branched primary shoot (v-g1), system of primary and partial shoots (g2). Specialized shoots of vegetative growth - stolons are formed on the basal part of the shoot in the virginal state. At the end of the first season, aboveground shoots and stolons die off, vegetative reproduction occurs, and a clone is formed. The active parts of stolons remain underground, which germinate next spring. The course of ontogenesis of each individual ramet depends on its position in the clone system. On the peripheral part of the clone, ramets from large stolons undergo ontogenesis according to the sequence of morphogenesis phases: partial shoot - branched partial shoot (v-g1) - a system of partial shoots (g2) and die. In the Central part of the shortened weak stolons, weakened shoots sprout, which undergo ontogenetic States according to a simplified scheme: from virginal to old generative state (v-g1-g3). Some without passing into the generative phase of development can go from the virginal state to the subsenile (v-ss). A new generation of stolons is formed from the lateral buds of the active part of stolons, from the buds of scaly leaves of the basal part of aboveground shoots during the entire vegetation period. S. scordiifolia naturally grows in stony-gravelly places and dry steppes. The species is drought-resistant, winter-hardy. S. scordiifolia very quickly captures new areas.


Scutellaria scordiifolia, table-forming plants, complex ontogenesis, clone, geneta, rameta

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140256913

IDR: 140256913   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-4-14-20

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