Peculiarities of descriptive translation of idiomatic expressions into Arabic using the example of Bulgakovs M.A. Novel “The Master and Margarita”

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Translators sometimes, when translating idioms, do not take into account their pragmatic meaning; for example, they do not always take into account certain semantic shades of the meanings of idiomatic expressions that are well understood by native speakers. For example, the expression: “eadaa bassma” - has a literal translation of “to leave an imprint” and in Arabic has a positive meaning, is used in a positive sense, that is, had a positive impact on something; in Russian, this expression often has a negative connotation of meaning. In such cases, we consider a more adequate method of translation to be descriptive translation or expansion of an idiomatic expression when translating using definitions: “left an unpleasant imprint.” Considering in our work the features of descriptive translation of phraseological units, we - as the main one, we take the point of view of Professor A.V. Kunin, supported not only by Professor V.N. Komissarov, but also by many other Russian linguists.


Terms, translation strategies, translation equivalent, arabic language, bilingual dictionaries

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IDR: 170205412   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-2-135-138

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