The features of the selection of the assortment of lilium and iris for forcing

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The purpose of the research is to develop some principles for assortment choice of grassy perennial winter-hardy lilies and irises with beautiful flowers for forcing in winter and spring terms. In different years (2016-2019) winter and spring forcing of the cultivars of bearded irises (root polikarpik), Asian hybrids of lilies (bulbous polikarpik) on the basis of FSBRI "All-Russia Selection-Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery” is carried out (ASTIHN). For forcing adult plants in a middle-aged generative ontogenetic state were used: in irises - the parts (pieces) with 3-5-years of growth (links) of rhizomes, at lilies - bulbs of 3.8-4.8 cm in the diameter of one bud of renewal or more than 4.8 cm in the diameter of 2-3 buds. Successful forcing requires the observance of the main requirements to the quality of planting material and the mode of lighting and temperature, providing the formation of standard flowering shoots. The preference is given to the cultivars with the earliest flowering time having in one inflorescence in irises not less than 4-5 flowers in lilies - not less than 6. Such qualities as medium height bearded irises with blossoming terms between dwarfs and tall and lilies of early and mid-early terms of blossoming possess. The data on the terms of forcing and the duration of flowering of model varieties of irises and lilies in specific conditions of forcing are submitted. For the improvement of the assortment of the given groups of irises and lilies, the increase in color scale of coloring of the inflorescence besides purposeful search selection because of small number of such varieties in the flower market is expedient, including at lilies selection on reduction of boots.


Lilium, Iris, plant forcing, cultivars, flowering time, forcing time

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256869   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-1-3-8

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