Features of teaching disciplines in programs of secondary vocational education using information technology

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In this article, the author examines the options and benefits of using information technology in teaching disciplines in secondary vocational schools. The author notes the importance of developing skills in working with infographics, learning the basics of graphic design, and among the most accessible in teaching work recommends the Gimp service, which is a powerful and multipurpose graphic editor distributed under a free GPL license, which makes it free and also suitable for everyone variants of Linux and MS Windows. Conclusion: educational institutions should expand the possibilities of using in the educational process not only modern information technologies, modern and up-to-date software, but also connect educational platforms on the Internet. Ideally, the creation of a unified educational information space will contribute to better memorization of the acquired knowledge, since the virtual Internet environment is more attractive for students.


Information technologies in open source programs, applied informatics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148313001

IDR: 148313001   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-73-26-30

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