The features of criminal executive law teaching in the context of educational reform

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The article focuses on the issues of teaching “Criminal Executive Law” since adoption of Federal Law “On Education”. In accordance with the latest regulations of The Russian Federation Ministry of Education criminal executive law is not included into the list of compulsory disciplines and to be taught as an elective course. Introduction of numerous amendments to the domestic anti-criminal legislation, as well as by-laws regulating execution of penalties, led to creation of a new branch of Russian law - criminal executive law. Number of academic hours for successful learning of this discipline reduced significantly, and a period for independent work of students increased, in this regard, lecturers in the current situation should expand and modify the forms of presenting teaching material. The role and importance of the discipline “Criminal Executive Law” and other anti-crime disciplines in educational process for Bachelors should be revised in accordance with the changed realities; this will allow students to acquire new knowledge better.


Teaching methods, educational reform in Russia, criminal executive law, traditional forms of teaching, independent work, innovative approaches to teaching courses, educational process, practice, testing, legal personnel

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