Features of process of the health protection of university students

Автор: Gernega Kseniya Sergeevna, Anna Evgenievna Bril

Журнал: Современная высшая школа: инновационный аспект @journal-rbiu

Рубрика: Трибуна молодого ученого

Статья в выпуске: 4 (34), 2016 года.

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The organization of the safe and health saving environment of the higher school as factor of professional formation of students is scientically justied as complex focused on the purposes, tasks, the principles of planning of health saving educational space of specic educational institution. It becomes one of key conditions of psychological readiness of future specialists. Additional assessment of use of health saving technologies in the higher school is made, considering that the existing traditional education in higher schools is oriented mainly to achieve a standard level of the chosen specialization, without paying a due attention to a healthy lifestyle.


Health-saving, students, higher educational institution, health-saving activity, educational environment, healthy lifestyle, formation of culture of a health protection

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14240075

IDR: 14240075   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-125-130

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