Features of apoptosis processes at immunocompetent blood cells at inhabitants of Arkhangelsk oblast and Nenets autonomous region

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Inspection of 115 patients in the age from 25 till 60 years born and living in territory of Nenets autono-mous region (NAR) in comparison with patients, living in more favorable climatic conditions in territory of Arkhangelsk oblast is lead. It is revealed, that at nenets is higher activization of lumphocytes and monocytes of peripheral blood apoptosis with inhibition of neutrophils apoptosis. Appreciable decrease in concentration TNFα at Zapolyarie inhabitants with increase in the content of great lymphocytes and lymphocytes of phenotype CD95 + can testify to activization of apoptosis-inducing systems of transcrip-tion factors ÀÐ-1α and NF-κB, Rel.


Apoptosis, lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, cytokines

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IDR: 14899872

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