Features of the development modern musical theatre

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The article is devoted to creative research and the peculiarities of modern music theatre in the transformation of a common cultural field. The object of analysis - new directions for performance in musical theatre. The author analyzes features of development of musical theater of the turn of XX- XXI centuries, which tends to search for new forms, fusion, confusion of genres. The article notes that persists and continues to develop a synthetic approach to blending the key features of the genres of musical theater; the dominant style of modern musical theatre is a principled eclecticism, open-ting between the melodic line and the inherent functionality of the new scale; as dominant operas dominated by the worship music emanating from the very nature of the genre. With the beginning of the XXI century this cult recreates a perfect criterion of the Opera, where music takes precedence over performance, and the beauty of voices at the service of music.


Musical theatre, opera, synthesis, syncretism, eclecticism, performance

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160695

IDR: 144160695

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