Features of creating educational animation

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The article is devoted to considering the possibilities of using multimedia technologies and animation in a modern electronic learning environment. Electronic learning tools, developed with the help of multimedia technologies, provide new tools, the advantages of which in comparison with traditional printed textbooks are manifested, first of all, in distance learning, in the possibility of dynamic updating of educational information, as well as in interactivity, allowing the student to become the subject of the educational process. The principles for developing electronic learning tools include the principle of visibility, which is directly related to the methodology of multisensory learning. Thanks to its formative principle - movement, animation becomes one of the most effective tools for creating visual clarity in the educational digital environment and presents almost unlimited possibilities for visualizing not only static images, but also abstract concepts and processes. The use of various animation formats as a teaching tool meets trends in the development of modern education. In order for animation to become a truly effective tool in creating electronic learning tools, it is necessary to take into account its principles and capabilities, as well as choose appropriate methods and techniques. The creation of educational animated illustrations, videos and electronic manuals is an educational task for students of the Institute of Art Education of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, studying in the direction of 44.03.01 Pedagogical education, focus (profile) «Additional education (in the field of design and computer graphics)». The article provides examples of educational and graduation student works that clearly demonstrate the principles and possibilities of using animation as an important component of electronic learning tools.


Multimedia, animation, electronic learning tools, electronic manuals, educational animation videos, animated illustrations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170206880

IDR: 170206880   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-1-83-90

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