Structural features of binuclear aryl compounds of antimony

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The structures of three binuclear aryl compounds of antimony (Ar3SbX)2O (Ar = Ph, X = Cl (1), Ar = Ph, X = OC6H3(Cl-2)(F-4) (2), Ar = 3-FC6H4, X = OSO2CH2CF3 (3) were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Crystal (1): C36H30OCl2Sb2, М 793.00; monoclinic system, symmetry group P21/n; cell parameters: a = 9.158(6), b = 19.911(14), c = 18.426(16) Å; β = 98.60(3)°, V = 3322(4) Å3; Z = 4, rcal = 1.585 g/cm3; 2q 6.06-52 deg; total reflections 56802; independent reflections 6507; number of refined parameters 371; Rint = 0.0331; R1 = 0.0247, wR2 = 0.0546; residual electron density (max/min): 0.49/-1.46 e/Å3; (2): C48H36O3F2Cl2Sb2 M 1013.17; symmetry group P21; cell parameters: a = 11.694(10), b = 12.754(8), c = 14.487(11) Å; V = 2161(3) Å3, Z = 2; rcal = 1.557 g/cm3; 2q 5.62-71,84 deg; total reflections 91787; independent reflections 11155; number of specified parameters 514; Rint = 0.0401; GOOF 1.033; R1 = 0.0307, wR2 = 0.0757; residual electron density (max/min): 0.49/-1.46 e/Å3]; (3) C40H28O7F12S2Sb2, M 1156.31; triclinic system, symmetry group P-1; cell parameters: a = 10.946(5), b = 20.130(10), c = 20.282(12) Å; a = 76.57(3)°, β = 78.284(18)°, g = 89.672(17)°; V = 4252(4) Å3, Z = 2; rcal = 1.689 g/cm3; 2q 5.762-52.138 deg; total reflections 93721; independent reflections 16665; number of specified parameters 1113; Rint = 0.0548; GOOF 1.048; R1 = 0.0426, wR2 = 0.1088; residual electron density (max/min): 1.01/-0.60 e/Å3].


Structure, binuclear, aryl, compound, antimony, x-ray diffraction analysis

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IDR: 147246069   |   DOI: 10.14529/chem240407

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