Features of thrombocytes indexes at patients with extrahospital pneumonia of various age in the conditions of large industrial region

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For the purpose of studying the thrombocyte part of peripheral blood reaction at persons of different age with pneumonia are surveyed 116 patients with extrahospital bacterial pneumonia (80 men and 36 women) which have been divided into three age groups: 18-44 years, 45-59 and 60-74 years, control group almost healthy 30 people (have made 16 men and 14 women). By all surveyed were defined thrombocyte indexes of peripheral blood (amount of thrombocytes, Pdw (platelet anisocytosis marker), Mpv (medium thrombocyte size), p-lcr (percentage of big thrombocytes)) on automatic hematology analyzer, and also were counted up the amount of thrombocytes in painted blood dabs by Phonio method and thrombocytogramm of peripheral blood. In thrombocytogramm of all age groups of patients with pneumonia the number of young, old, atypical and involutive thrombocytes increase and the number mature тромбоцитов decreases. At patients of young and middle age total number thrombocytes tends to increase concerning control and elderly patients. Changes in thrombocytes indexes at pneumonia reflect thrombocytes activation as a result of inflammation proceeding in an organism. In the conditions of large industrial region severe current of pneumonia at elderly patients correlates with changes in thrombocyte part of peripheral blood.


Pneumonia, blood, thrombocyte

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148100705

IDR: 148100705

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