Features of training efforts with drawing in plein air conditions

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This article provides support of role and importance of training efforts with drawing in natural environment conditions. This article considers features of methodology and organization of graphic arts class with students of Pedogogical Institute of The Buryat State University in plein air conditions. In this feature provides characteristic of short-term types of natural paintings - sketches and outlines of natural objects. The article reveals methodological features of making landscape drawings, studying of rules of illustrative and aerial perspective in natural surroundings conditions. In the case of natural drawing training is shown correlation and developing part in this process of different types of cognitive, sensory and artistic activity. Description of practical experience of training efforts with drawing in plein air conditions is given according to modern programmatic demands Federal State Educational Standards to pedagogical artistic training students. In process of organization plein air classes is used advanced scientific educational experience of leading specialists in this type of educational artistic work. Along with the organization of lessons in natural conditions are shown features of plein air organization in the case of perception and expression of urban environment images, where objects of drawing are committed different artifacts of urban landscape, architectural forms, vehicles, specific models and massive scenes from the area of social environment.


Plein air, natural environment, monitoring, perception, drawing, sketch, nature, landscape, perspective rules, urban landscape

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148315991

IDR: 148315991

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