Open review as a form of development of new ideas in science

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Subject of the article: open review and some other properties of the"immune system of the body of science". Object of the article: journal «Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre of the RAS. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences» in the system of unity of the results of actual research and open review of articles. The purpose of the work: preparation of relevant content of the journal articles for publication in the open press through work with authors and reviewers of articles as representatives of various scientific schools. Methodology of work: analysis of the journal content in the system of scientific publications review, synthesis of traditions of different scientific schools in the process of preparation of relevant articles of international level. Results: analytical review of the content, the position of open review in the system of self-organization of the scientific community around the publication activity of the journal within the scientific periodicals in the fields of scientific activity. Application of the results: the scientific community as an avant-garde environment of the sofiosphere, which not only affects the development of society, but also forms the modern world, developing ways of human functioning in the technosphere, as a natural stage of the existence of culture as a whole. The current model of current and modern journal, which is created by Russian scientists in the region, but is aimed at solving the problems of science in General, including the international level of integration - WOS SS, SCOPUS. Conclusion. Journal «Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre of the RAS. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences», consistently implements the publishing program in the field of scientific communication, based on the existing scientific schools of the Samara region within the General trends of the Russian scientific periodicals for integration into the international scientific database. In our opinion, it is the process of open review that underlies both the direct theoretical statement of the author and the counter statement of his reviewer. This agreement in the knowledge of the subject allows us to work together on the quality of both articles and reviews, knowing for the reviewers their equal participation in the coverage of the problem and of course, the responsibility for the quality of the reviewed articles, through a new look, perspective, additions, bibliography of existing research, Turns out that the scientific journal as a whole, as a discussion and working knowledge platform, becomes necessary and civilized through cooperation in order to develop scientific knowledge. The very existence of a review is already a guarantee of quality, and open review, as an exchange of views on the same problem, creates the prerequisites for the necessary development in scientific knowledge of the world, bringing new ideas to the understanding of these processes by new generations of researchers.


ID: 148312790 Короткий адрес:

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