P. A. Kulakovsky - correspondent of “Novoe vremya”
Автор: Kotov A.E.
Журнал: Русско-Византийский вестник @russian-byzantine-herald
Рубрика: Отечественная история
Статья в выпуске: 2 (17), 2024 года.
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P. A. Kulakovsky (1848-1913) belonged to the younger generation of Slavophiles. Even in his student years, having become friends with I. S. Aksakov and Yu. F. Samarin, he was simultaneously guided by the journalism of M. N. Katkov, thus going beyond the scope of the “old” Slavophile circle. Kulakovsky's scientific works, such as “Vuk Karadzic” and “Illyrism,” although inferior in scale to the works of N. Ya. Danilevsky and V. I. Lamansky, nevertheless, are a significant contribution to Russian Slavic studies of that period. Like many humanitarian studies of that time, they were not without a journalistic element, however, the latter, as a rule, was of a conceptual nature. Since the late 1870s. Platon Andreevich also conducted journalistic activities. His numerous correspondences from the Balkans introduced the Russian reader to the socio-political and cultural life in the Slavic countries. The main publication for Kulakovsky was the newspaper “Rus” by I. S. Aksakov. He also willingly published in M. N. Katkov's “Moskovskie Vedomosti”, although he expressed dissatisfaction with the latter's editorial policy. The third newspaper, in which Kulakovsky's articles were published from the late 1870s, was “Novoe Vremya” of A. S. Suvorin. Among the most significant publications published on the pages of this newspaper, it should be noted articles devoted to the teaching of the Russian language in Serbia, the Serbian dynastic crisis of 1882, as well as a series of letters from Croatia dedicated to the events of 1884.
P. a. kulakovsky, a. s. suvorin, serbia, croatia, pan-slavism, nationalism, conservatism, balkans, journalism, slavophilism
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140306797
IDR: 140306797 | DOI: 10.47132/2588-0276_2024_2_29