The memory of war in the history of the national award system

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The article discusses the history of the award system in Russia as a reflection of national and geopolitical turmoil. A special symbolic role of a premium material and understanding the rewards as family heirlooms led to the fact that the medals even period of origin of the Russian award system have survived in sufficient quantity and is widely represented in museums. Award system can illustrate the international relations of the XVIII-XXI centuries. Military conflicts at various levels, both global and local produce awards, including the unrecognized States (South Ossetia, Pridnestroviye, Nagorny Karabakh, etc.). Many orders are instituted in time of war. Award system can be considered not only as part of a system of state rewards and punishments of the population, but also as a symbol of the global state turmoil.


Awards system, medal, faleristics, insignia, award

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