Participation of students in all areas of governance in higher education institutions in the light of the literature - a systematic review

Автор: Enim R.P., Alzmeter L., Rnay Z.

Журнал: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education @ijcrsee

Рубрика: Original research

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.12, 2024 года.

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This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for conducting a systematic literature review on student participation in higher education institutions (HEIs), focusing on decision-making, student engagement, and extracurricular activities. Following PRISMA guidelines, the review uses evaluation criteria techniques to ensure the quality and transparency of information critical to the design of the paper. A search strategy utilising key terms across EBSCO and Web of Science databases identified 41 relevant articles. Each article underwent thorough analysis, addressing research inquiries about student participation in educational institutions. The review combines findings from diverse perspectives while highlighting students’ importance in decision-making and the relevance of student voices in this process. In addition, it highlights the importance of student engagement and the impact of extracurricular activities on academic success. Through such discussions, the paper emphasises the need for integrated frameworks focused on understanding student participation across higher education institutions, suggesting recommendations for optimising student involvement or participation in decision-making processes, fostering student engagement in teaching and learning, and enhancing participation in extracurricular activities. Overall, the paper highlights the multi-dynamic nature of student participation in the modern structure of higher education institutions and advocates for a holistic approach that empowers and motivates students to participate in all areas of the education system, which will go a long way in shaping their educational experiences.


Higher education institution, student participation, decision-making, student engagement, extracurricular activities

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206413   |   DOI: 10.23947/2334-8496-2024-12-2-437-450

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