Original research. Рубрика в журнале - International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

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In 2019, an outbreak of novel coronavirus infection (hereafter referred to as Covid-19) occurred, and on January 16, 2020, the first case of an infected person was confirmed in Japan. Now that more than two years have passed, the world is gradually returning to normal. However, the increased use of Social Networking Services (SNS) and web conferencing tools has caused young people, who are accustomed to seeing filtered faces, to become dissatisfied and uncomfortable with their own real faces. This has resulted in an increased number of young people who have become dissatisfied and mentally stressed with their facial features and expressions. Therefore, the author conducted a study on young people aged 18-20 years old in 2022 regarding this issue. The author evaluated the changes in awareness one’s own face between the Covid-19 pandemic and the present among students attending Japanese universities, despite being affected by Covid-19 in the latter half of their high school or college years. The results indicated that 49.2% of the respondents revealed that their awareness their own faces had changed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on these findings, it is necessary for educators and parents to take considerable actions, so that young people do not become obsessed with the quality of their facial features and feel unduly stressed. Furthermore, young people should not be ashamed of their real, unfiltered faces.

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In this article, we attempt to examine the general teachers’ attitudes towards dramatization and the differences that arise according to their major demographic elements, using inferential statistics methodology. Our sample consists of 60 (sixty) Greek teachers, of which 15 (fifteen) are male and 45 (forty-five) are female respondents. The teachers completed all questionnaire’s statements correctly (without missing values), allowing us to draw valuable conclusions on both their knowledge and their perspectives regarding the usefulness of dramatization in a school environment and the necessity of its inclusion in the educational process. The analysis focuses both on the general teachers’ tendencies and the existing differences that are caused according to the respondents’ sex, age, years of experience and their willingness of working with immigrant students. Our analysis is carried out via the Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square statistical tests. These statistical methods are ideal for the comparison of data resulting from questionnaires based on the Likert scale, providing trustworthy and valuable conclusions about the attitudes towards the inclusion of drama in the educational procedure. This paper reveals important existing differentiations in the viewpoints of Greek primary school teachers in terms of dramatization in education, while it brings out a quite positive attitude towards the benefits of including drama in the teaching process of primary schools.

Accuracy in football: scoring a goal as the ultimate objective of football game
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The study included 60 young football players aged 10 and 11 years with the aim to examine the influence of motor skills on a specific accuracy in football. The following tests for assessment of motoric abilities were used: Coordination: jumping over the horizontal rope, envelope test, figure „8“ with bending; Flexibility: forward bend-standing upper-body rotation-touch, the splits, side-stepping with a baton; Balance: standing on one leg along the balance bench, standing on one leg with eyes closed, flamingo test. Tests for specific accuracy in football included: elevational accuracy by foot - vertical target, elevational accuracy by foot - horizontal target, linear accuracy by foot - vertical target, the hits of ball by foot on the wall after it rebounces from the surface, elevational accuracy by head - vertical target and elevational accuracy by head - horizontal target. Results obtained by processing the data applying canonical correlation and regression analysis indicated the indisputable influence of motor abilities of young football players on the majority of specific accuracy tests.

Active learning technologies in distance education of gifted students
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The article reveals the notion of distance education, meaning formation, meaningful technologies. The modern concept of psychological and pedagogical support of talent is associated with the concept of the child’s abilities disclosure in education. Discussion about the developing potential of distance education, where, on the one hand, the student’s development potential is flattened, compressed and translated into “one-dimensional space” in the process of education; on the other hand, there is a whole range of opportunities to initiate independent activity of students, to include mechanisms of cognitive and personal development of a modern student. The psychological bases of active learning technologies in distance education of gifted students are described. The author’s classification of interactive learning technologies using remote technologies is considered, where each technology finds several concrete embodiments. The results of an experimental study of gifted students’ independent activity initiation in distance education are presented.

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Aesthetics and the design studio have been widely regarded as germane to architecture education and architectural design education respectively. Despite this obvious importance and relationship, very scant studies have been done on how aesthetics as a concept, has been thought in architectural schools especially with regard to the pedagogue of acquiring aesthetic knowledge as perceived by instructors and students in the Design Studio. Moreover, despite its centrality in architectural studies, there is a current gap in literature pertaining to aesthetics and the steps to teaching it in architectural design studios. This paper presents a discussion on the aesthetics and the process of teaching it in design studio using a qualitative grounded theory approach. In view of the paucity of work on the teaching pedagogue in architectural design studios, this study aim at shedding light on how students and studio instructors perceive the extant state of the methods of teaching aesthetics and identify the aesthetics of architecture. In this regard, the study by hypothesizing the design studios as the core contributor in architectural design developed the contributing elements in aesthetic education of architecture.

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The current study investigates creativity from a creative product perspective. More specifically, we want to know if a connection exists between an individual’s creativity and his or her evaluation of creative products. We also want to know what role cognitive style plays in this relationship. The sample (139 second-year undergraduates) was collected from an art and design program of an institution in Macau. Convenience sampling was used for the current study. The present study found partial support for the associations between cognitive style, creativity, and evaluations of creative products. Based on zero-order correlations, visual and verbal cognitive styles were moderately and positively correlated to three components of CPSS (novelty, resolution, and elaboration and synthesis). The results of the SEM further confirm this relationship between cognitive style and CPSS (r =.69, p

Analysis of practical ability improvement for teachers based on the "excellence plan"
The “excellence plan” is aimed at developing high quality engineering and technical talents who have a strong ability for innovation, can adapt to the development needs of society and can work out strategies for making the country stronger. At the same time, the “excellence plan” colleges are required to build a team which would include high level full-time and part-time teachers with engineering experience. This paper analyses the current situation of teachers’ ability for engineering practice and practical ability from the following points of view: bringing into play subjective initiative, interacting practical experience among teachers, adjusting the practical teaching link, training for teachers’ positions and training double-tutors with cooperation between schools and enterprises.

Analyzing a large amount of data as a decision support systems tool in Nigeria organization
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Big Data, as a Decision Support Tools in numerous firms, has offered the capacity to assemble, store, access and investigate massive measures of information (data) so that better choice of decisions can be made with respect to clients, providers, employees, logistics, and framework. Contrasts in the utilization of Information Technology (IT) have been found in various countries, thus it is important to lead a far reaching investigation of the encouraging and repressing components (factors) in the adoption and diffusion of BDDSA in Nigeria. The point of this review was accordingly to fill the hole by exploring factors influencing the effective selection of BDDSA in Nigeria MIS (Management Information System) user organizations.

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The 21st-century competencies students need to have include creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, literacy, and numeracy. These competencies can be developed in the learning process in class explicitly. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Multirepresentation Based Creative Problem-Solving (MBCPS) learning model in improving students’ critical and creative thinking skills. The MBCPS Model Syntax consists of four stages: 1) problem identification, 2) finding ideas, 3) evaluating ideas with multiple representations (verbal, visual, and mathematical), and 4) validating solutions. The MBCPS model was applied to the experimental group and the Problem-Solving (PS) learning model in the comparison group on four study programs, natural science education. culinary education, public health science, and nutrition science with material on the science of nutrition. The difference between before and after learning was tested by Mann-Whitney, and N-gain tested the effectiveness. The results showed that before learning, there was no difference in critical and creative thinking skills, with a p-value > 0.05 between the experimental group and the comparison group. After learning, there was a very significant difference (p < 0.05). Learning the MBCPS model can improve critical thinking skills with an N-gain of 0.72 (high category) and creative thinking skills with an N-gain of 0.67 (medium category). The MBCPS learning model can be implemented on a broader scale according to the characteristics of complex course material to develop models in the field of education.

Applying positive discipline in school and adolescents’ self-esteem
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Starting from the general principles of the concept of positive discipline, the paper points out that schools and teachers can significantly contribute to the application of positive discipline to affect different aspects of a student’s personality development. The potentials of applying positive discipline in the school for developing adolescents’ self-esteem are particularly emphasized. Accordingly, this paper will present the results of a study that aimed to establish a correlation between assessing the presence of positive discipline in a school context and the level of adolescents’ self-esteem. The survey included a convenience sample of 195 high school students from three high schools - art, technical, and grammar school. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the scale for assessing the presence of positive discipline in the school were used to collect the data. The results showed that adolescents exhibit a high level of self-esteem, while their assessment of the presence of positive discipline in school is moderate. Also, it was found that with the increase in the assessment of the presence of positive discipline in school, the level of adolescents’ self-esteem increased, and the statistically significant moderating role of the measured variables was found only in the type of high school. The conclusion points to the need to sensitize teachers to manage the classroom according to the principles of positive discipline, as well as the importance of creating the conditions that, through the phenomenon of positive discipline, effectively raise the quality of schoolwork as a whole.

Phraseological units, primarily idioms are those types of linguistic units which reveal to a great extent how certain linguistic community copes with its surroundings. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how idioms in English language are actually differently used across different genres in British and American linguistic communities, and try to explain those results in light of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. The study was conducted on the basis of the idioms that have the same body part, namely arm and/or leg, and those idioms were then compared in two corpora - the BNC (British National Corpus) and COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English).

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This paper analyses the attitudes of teachers to using information and communication technology in teaching. The study was conducted on a sample of 269 teachers in the Republic of Serbia. The purpose of this research is to look at the intensity of ICT use in teaching, as well as to identify the benefits and obstacles that teachers face when using this technology. The study was based on a descriptive research methodology. Surveying and scaling techniques were used to measure the attitudes of teachers. It was concluded that teachers often use ICT in teaching. The greatest advantage of ICT use, as seen by teachers, is improved quality of teaching, a possibility to deliver interesting lessons and quick and easy access to information. The greatest obstacles emphasized by teachers were underdeveloped competencies of teachers, limited access to ICT in schools and insufficient trust in the use of new technologies.

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The study is aimed at finding the varieties of appealing spheres for realization of students' potential in higher school. The authors substantiate and develop the concept of attractors for students' self-realization, which designate the appealing spheres and forms of manifestation of students' personal efforts and capacities in higher education. The methods of conceptual-applied reconstruction and psychological surveys are used to determine the attractive space for students' self-development. The study identifies a group of potentially attractive spheres (learning-cognitive, research, sports-wellness, volunteer, artistic-creative, innovative-entrepreneurial, information-media, social-civic, sphere of cross-cultural communication). The study presents the results of diagnosing the subjective significance of these spheres for students of different specialties and different levels of self-realization in education. The conclusion is made about the tendency of influence of students' involvement in attractive spheres on the success of their self-realization in educational environment. The prospects of applying and operating the category of attractors as socio-cultural predictors of successful self-realization and psychological well-being of students in the process of University training are shown.

Augmented reality as a teaching tool in higher education
Rapid development of the technology has influenced its inevitable entrance in the learning processes. Teachers are often challenged to use the appropriate educational technology in the process of teaching in order to ease the learning process of students. Introducing new technology in the teaching process should utilize the new technology in any possible way in order to assist the teacher in transferring the knowledge and assist the students in grasping that knowledge. This paper should emphasize the benefits of using augmented reality in higher education, by measuring outcomes of the students which used augmented reality as a teaching tool in the courses. Results from the survey imply that students show significantly improved results in increasing the interest, understanding and interiorizing the learning material. University teachers found that using augmented reality is significantly improving the learning process of students and their teaching process in a pedagogical and technical sense.

Disputes resolved with the use of mediation as a form of dispute resolution are rare (or at striking level) in the practice in our country. In order to increase the number of disputes that were successfully completed based on mediation, it is necessary for the people to know about the alternative forms of resolving litigation. The lack of information contributes to the lack of trust in any resolution of the dispute except in the court. There is also the positive practice of resolving disputes through mediation macular placed in public. This Paper treats the action research which aims to connect the people awareness of mediation as a form of negotiation through which can quickly and easily, without major financial implications, to resolve any dispute. This paper is based on a survey with the members of Chamber of Mediators of the Republic of Macedonia. These results clearly confirm the lack of information among the local population about the forms of dispute resolution that are available and the benefits they offer.

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The aim of this experimental research was to explore if the future HR managers are susceptible to the base rate neglect (BRN) bias and if the visual presentation of the base rates improves their reasoning. The BRN bias is a tendency to disregard a priori probabilities that are explicitly given for the class of observed objects. In this study, BRN is seen as the case of decision-making bias in the work-related context. Although it is inevitable part of the decision-making processes concerning employees`, the topic is not sufficiently studied. A total of 65 participants, enrolled in the master studies of HRM, were subjected to 4 different types of BRN tasks, in which five different HR activities were described. They were varied within subjects, representativeness of description, and format of base rate. Within each task there were five different situations that make 20 tasks in total. The two-way repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that the proportion of biased answers was significantly higher on the representative tasks when the tasks presented visually, with no interaction between representativeness and format of task. Results are in line with previous studies that observed an effect of BRN on decision-making process. Yet, unexpectedly, visual presentation of base rates did not facilitate unbiased reasoning implying that some other form of presentation might be more appropriate for the task.

Basic Needs Satisfaction and Conscious Motives for Sports Activities of Juniors
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Athletic motivation is actively studied in the sports psychology. The study of the juniors’ motivation is crucial for exploring the reasons to quit the sport, the fac-tors that reduce an athlete’s productivity, the principles of building support pro-grams for young athletes. The purpose of the study was to study the basic needs satisfaction and the hierarchy of young athlete conscious motives. The study involved juniors, in the amount of 133 people aged 13-16 years (M=15.1; SD=1.6; 59.4% men). The following methods were used: the essay “Why I came into sports”, “Method of paired comparisons” by V.V. Skvortsov (modified by I.A. Akindinova), as well as statistical methods (descriptive statistics, W - Kendall, Chi-squared test, Kruskal-Wallis H - test). Personal, professional and status conscious motives were found out to form a complex motivation for sports activities. Conscious motives for sports activities differ among juniors in various sports. The least satisfied needs are those for acceptance needs and self-expression. The type of sport does not determine the satisfaction of the junior needs. The prospect of the study is to create a model of motivation for a young athlete. The results can be used in the activities of sports institutions.

Belief in information conspiracy and personality traits of generations X and Y
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The article presents the results of comparing the belief in information conspiracies in connection with personality traits among representatives of Generations Y and X, nationalities - the Russians and the Kumyks. We call information conspiracies those that are presented in the information space and are presented as close to reality. Therefore, users who get acquainted with information conspiracies do not doubt and believe in them. The sample was presented by the Russian university students and middle-aged working people. The questionnaire of conspiracy mentality (CMQ) (Bruder, Haffke) and the FPI technique (Farenberg, Zarg and Gampel) have been applied. It was revealed that the older the generation, the more it believes in the state conspiracy; generations have stable beliefs about the presence of a political conspiracy; the representatives of the Kumyk group are more prone to exaggeration of the importance of conspiracy than the group of the Russians generation Y; the personality trait “irritability” correlates with the scale of belief in public conspiracy; there was a negative dependence of emotional lability and belief in a political conspiracy. The results are compared with the data of foreign studies on the samples of representatives of the USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Germany. It was concluded that it is possible to observe cultural and intergenerational differences in expression of conspiracy mentality. Representatives of Generation Y believe more in political and public conspiracies. Representatives of Generation X believe more in public conspiracy and secret organizations.

Beliefs and Experiences of Serbian Preschool Educators on Inclusive Education
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The purpose of this study is to examine a range of preschool educators’ experiences and beliefs regarding inclusive education in public preschool institutions in Serbia. The research aimed to: a) determine the relationship between educators’ self-assessed experience and competence, the availability of support systems, educators’ beliefs about the parents of children with developmental difficulties, and their beliefs about inclusion; b) identify significant predictors of the educators’ beliefs about the benefits of inclusion; c) explore whether nurses and preschool teachers differ in their experiences and beliefs. The sample consisted of 201 preschool educators: 145 preschool teachers and 56 nurses working with younger children. Principal Component Analysis with Oblimin rotation was employed, along with parallel analysis, which pointed to a four-factor structure: Teaching Experience and Competence, Availability of Expert Support, Negative Beliefs about Parents, and Inclusion Benefits. The results indicate that preschool educators report mildly positive experiences and beliefs about inclusive education, but they also hold a negative view of the parents of children with developmental difficulties. Negative beliefs about parents show the strongest (negative) correlation with beliefs in the benefits of inclusion and are the best predictor in the regression model, followed by self-assessed experience and competence and the participants’ occupation (i.e., nurse or preschool teacher). Preschool teachers report that they have more experience and competence in working with children with developmental difficulties than nurses do, while other differences were not significant. The implications of the obtained results are discussed.

Blending pedagogy and digital technology to transform educational environment
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This article shows efficacy of competences-oriented education model, representing effectiveness of pedagogy technology and digital tools blending in transforming education while using tutor's support. In correspondence to contemporary requirements and education system special features, connection between digital education tools and tutor technology contributing to students' key competences development is determined. The paper contributes to the field by summarizing some theoretical issues and offering implementation suggestions for effectively integrating digital technologies into teaching and learning. The use of digital technologies in educational activities opens up new opportunities, adequate methods for dissemination and management of digital information, development of necessary competencies on the basis of digital literacy, ensuring equitable access for all who wish to obtain necessary knowledge and decision-making skills, ensuring demand for school graduates in the world labor market in situation of digital economy. Innovative technologies become a problem adding difficulties to students' burden. Tutor becomes an intermediary between students and digital technologies to promote students' active learning practices; there are not so many students who can appreciate digital learning practices and get the most of it. The role of tutoring in digital literacy promotion is hard to overestimate. Tutor support is a pedagogical activity in individualization of education aimed at identifying and developing students' educational motives and interests. To form students' key competencies in education system, it is necessary to supplement traditional education with tools of digital educational technologies, new trends in pedagogies such as tutoring, which is becoming an integral part of modern learning process.