Patterns of the block approach for structure analysis of chemical elements and issues in materials science

Автор: Gusev B.V., Speransky A.A.

Журнал: Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal @nanobuild-en

Рубрика: Structuring of chemicals elements

Статья в выпуске: 1 Vol.11, 2019 года.

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The authors developed a notion of the three-dimensional matrix of chemical elements, which made it possible to eliminate the main disadvantages of tabular forms of the structure of chemical elements developed by D.I. Mendeleev and the international community of IUPAC chemists. The three-dimensional structure is represented as an expanding conic matrix. At the same time, all known chemical elements up to number 118 are combined into four blocks. The block-structure made it possible to substantiate an electron-level formula, even for the proposed new chemical elements of the 5th block E with numbers 119 through 218. This allows for the development of a digital model for calculating interactions of chemical elements and obtaining new types of compounds and materials.


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IDR: 142227525

Список литературы Patterns of the block approach for structure analysis of chemical elements and issues in materials science

  • Mendeleev D.I. Osnovy himii [The Fundamentals of Chemistry]. Moscow. Leningrad. Gosudarstvennoe nauchnotekhnicheskoe izd-vo himicheskoj literatury [State scientific and technical publishing house of chemical literature]. In 2 volumes. 13th edition. 1947. V. 1, 624 p. V. 2, 708 p. (In Russian).
  • Gusev B.V., Speransky A.A. Obiomnaya periodicheskaya matrica himicheskih ehlementov [Three-dimensional periodic matrix of chemical elements]. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov [Technology and engineering of silicates]. Vol. 25, No. 2. 2018, 34–38 p. (In Russian).
  • Gusev B.V., Speransky A.A. et al. Matrichnoe predstavlenie periodichnosti sistemy himicheskih ehlementov [Matrix representation of periodicity of the system of chemical elements]. Russkij inzhener [Russian engineer]. № 4, 52–57 p. (In Russian).
  • Reese. M. Vsego 6 chisel: glavnye sily, formiruyushchie Vselennuyu [Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe]. Transl. from Eng. Мoscow, Alpina Ion Fiction, 2018, 226 p. (In Russian).
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