Teaching conditions of vocational communicative competence tourism management university based pedagogical designing

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Paper is devoted to study the formation of professional communicative competence of future tourism managers in high school on the basis of pedagogical design. The article discusses the necessary pedagogical conditions, contributing to the formation of professional communicative competence (individualization, orientation training, the development ofcopyright curricula and courses, scientific and methodological support, professional orientation, the use of educational technologies and components to assess effectiveness). Defined goals, outcomes and criteria of differentiation and individualization of training of future tourism managers. Presents an analysis of performance factors of pedagogical conditions of formation of professional communicative competence of future tourism managers in high school. Spotted and necessity of formation of professional communicative competence of future tourism managers, contributing to the establishment of professional business contacts interpersonal interaction on a professional level. The article discusses the necessary conditions for pedagogical training of qualified personnel tourist profile.


Competence, conditions, tourism, training, manager, communications, design

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489699

IDR: 14489699

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