Pedagogical conditions of moral education of police officers in cultural institutions

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In article pedagogical conditions of moral education of staff of law-enforcement bodies, ways of improvement of moral and psychological ensuring operational and service activity of staff of law-enforcement bodies are considered. As the most effective the following is called: planning and carrying out actions of a spiritual and moral and patriotic orientation in system of educational work with staff of law-enforcement bodies; inclusion in non-staff lecturing groups of representatives of traditional religious faiths for carrying out state and legal informing staff; introduction in system of moral and psychological preparation of a special course «Spirituality. Moral. Law»; the organization of spiritual and moral education at active use of ethnocultural traditions of the people of that region where it is carried out. It is noted that moral education of staff of law-enforcement bodies is directed on receiving and assimilation by employees of knowledge, moral and ethical installations, norms and promotes formation and development of the personality, her civil, moral, spiritual, moral and psychological and other important professionally significant qualities caused by requirements of the state and society.


Pedagogical conditions, moral education, cultural institutions, law enforcement officers

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IDR: 14489818

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