Pedagogical conditions for the development of creative thinking of students in the process of professional training

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The creativity of students should be considered as one of the significant professional qualities, which characterize the professionalism and competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market. Creativity is necessary for the implementation of any type of activity and is associated with manifestations of productive thinking, creative initiative and originality of the search for a way to solve problems in situations of uncertainty. The development of personality creativity is possible in a specially organized creative environment of an educational organization, in which students observe creative patterns of behavior and activity. They participate in various types of productive activity that require positive motivation, initiative, independence in posing and solving problems. The effective functioning of the creative environment requires the creation of pedagogical conditions. We have identified the following conditions: the development of students’ motivation for the manifestation of creativity, the creation of a creative educational environment as a factor in the development of students, the inclusion of students in activities to solve professional problems, the implementation of creative tasks and projects.


Creativity, motivation, interpersonal relations, educational environment, professional and creative tasks, professional training

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IDR: 142231134

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