Pedagogical conditions for implementing a differentiated approach to physical education of children in modern private pre-school educational organizations

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The article aims to theoretically substantiate the need to develop pedagogical conditions that provide individualization of physical education of children of senior preschool age in modern private pre-school educational organizations. The application of a differentiated approach to the physical education of children will make it possible to reveal the individuality of the personality of each pupil, his inclinations, interests and determine the optimal level of his activity. The individualization of children's physical education implies: 1) a review of the methodological support of personnel policy, the basis of which is to support the professional development and self-development of teachers; 2) introduction of advanced technologies in the educational process of physical education; 3) optimization of healthy environment of pre-school educational institutions, the basis of which is the feedback between the teacher, pupils and their families.


Preschool education, physical education of preschoolers, child health, diagnosis of child's physical development, private preschool educational organizations

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IDR: 148328862   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.24.02.P.107

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