Pedagogical heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: on the question of the transition of students from school collective in the student center

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In the biographies of a huge number of boys and girls, at a certain age stage, a change in the group of peers occurs: schoolchildren, who have spent eleven years together, move to a higher educational institution and join a new group of peers, with whom they spend, as a rule, five years. At the same time, yesterday’s schoolchildren, not without difficulty, acquire the skills of collectivist student communication at the university. The author believes that neither school nor university pays due attention in this context, and one of the reasons is the oblivion of V.A.’s pedagogical heritage. Sukhomlinsky in the field of forming student teams. The article, in the context of the ideas of this outstanding domestic teacher, examines the features of the transition period for students from school to university.


Sukhomlinsky, school, higher educational institution, students, team, teacher

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IDR: 170205255   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-4-231-233

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