Landscape in the artwork of Ural artists of the 1960-70-s

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In the modern world, along with the global cultural crisis, humanities scholars emphasize the crisis of human identity associated with the destruction of the traditional values. Due to the demand to define identity alongside the active integration of Ural art into the world artistic process, the study of regional landscape schools of the 1960-1970s accumulating philosophical concepts of Russian culture is highly relevant. Landscape schools of the 196-1970s became a precursor of changes in the national art and an incentive to identify the Ural community features in the work of Ural artists in the All-Union art of that time. The article analyzes the development of landscape genre in the works of Ural artists of the 1960-1970s presented in the Ural museum collections. It reveals the style and unique features of the Ural landscape painting. The methodological basis of the article is a comprehensive approach to considering the landscape of the Urals as a holistic, dynamic and evolving phenomenon. The cultural and historical approach makes it possible to interpret the theme of the national Ural landscape and its significant role in shaping the mentality and creativity of Ural artists. Formal and stylistic, iconological, comparative and stylistic methods of art history analysis enable us to find out the stylistic and figurative artistic features of the Ural landscape. The article provides justification and specifies the significance of the landscape genre for the art of the Ural region in the 1960-1970s. It also highlights its role in the formation of the Ural image in the All-Union artistic process of the time when classic works of new stylistics were created.


Landscape genre, ural landscape genre, severe style, identity, regional culture, mentality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147243999   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240307

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