Penelope Lively's novel "The house in Norham Gardens" and its invisible character

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The article explores complex interrelations between literary time and text categories. The author of the novel expresses through her individual conception a certain model of time which is structured with the help of various linguistic and compositional means. Time in all its manifestations is the focus of Penelope Lively's attention. She creates unconventional narrative time structure so naturally embedded in her work and integrating all the elements into the whole.

Time, temporality, literary time, chronotope, conception of time

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IDR: 147228702

Список литературы Penelope Lively's novel "The house in Norham Gardens" and its invisible character

  • Lively, Penelope The House in Norham Gardens
  • Бахтин, М. М. Формы времени и хронотопа в романе. Очерки по исторической поэтике. М., 1986.
  • Тураева З.Я.Категория времени. Время грамматическое и время художественное ( на материале английского языка). М.,1979.
  • Currie, M. About Time Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
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