Perceptions of tourist comments through the semantic network of a cultural tourism attraction in Para'iba, Brazil

Автор: Santana Juliana Cardoso De, Maracaj Kettrin Farias Bem, Arajo Machado Petruska De, Mondo Tiago Savi

Журнал: Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма @spst

Рубрика: Региональные студии туризма

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2022 года.

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Tourism is one of the principal sectors of the economy that makes an important contribution to the distribution of income in society. Tourist activity has shown great expansion and participation in the economy, while developing in an atmosphere of intense competition and demand on the part of its users. The objective of this research is to analyze tourists perception of the quality of services offered in a cultural tourism attraction in Paraíba. The studied object, located on the coast of João Pessoa - PB, stands out for being a pioneer in the activities offered, since it is the only one that offers cultural and environmental immersion in Brazil having a set of 32 villages of the Potiguara ethnicity. To support the research, studies on the evaluation of services in tourism were adopted, specifically the TOURQUAL Model. The data was obtained through mixed qualitative research on TripAdvisor, and the data was analyzed based on the 28 TOURQUAL indicators. It was noted that the destination was well evaluated, considering the reality of a little explored community-based cultural tourism, since this research is the first carried out in the place, which covers a total of 32 indigenous villages that offer cultural and environmental immersion in the Potiguara ethnic group. The studied destination has a remarkable potential for growth, where in the research, improvements were suggested so that the destination can be more recognized in the national scenario. In addition, the significant engagement of local public bodies stands out, as the destination's initiatives move the local economy, generating income and employment.


Quality of services, cultural tourism, indigenous tourism, semantic network

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140294741   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2022-2-81-94

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