A traveling exhibition of children's drawings in social and cultural activities of the teacher-artist

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In the article a traveling exhibition of children’s drawings is considered as an artistic-pedagogical and cultural-educational project. Modern exhibition movement is analyzed on the standpoint of the systematic work’s organization with teachers for improvement their skills and as a way to control the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. There are described the principles of the educational project Mobile exhibition’s organization: the systematic work, artistry, dialogue, continuity. Harmonious interaction between traditional and innovative forms of the traveling exhibition of children’s drawings’ organization is a condition of effective work with teachers on various issues of art education: age characteristics of children’s drawings, art technology, creative method of teaching art to children, computer illustration, color and form in drawing, the evaluation criteria of the children’s visual creativity’s the results, etc. Future development of the exhibition movement the author connects with the organization of joint exhibition projects of young artists and their teachers’ works, pointing to their educational potential. As a result, in the article there are identified educational resources of “travelling echibitions”, the role of contest and exhibition movement in the self-education and self-realization of teacher’s personality.


Traveling exhibition, children's drawing, social and cultural activities, pedagogical competence, training

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160990

IDR: 144160990

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