Translation of individual author’s units in works of the urban fantasy genre

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The article raises the problem of translating individual author's units in the genre of urban fantasy. Using the example of three works by modern English-speaking authors, which have gained great worldwide popularity, the methods of translating speaking onyms and author's occasionalisms are considered. The special features of the literary subgenre under study that complicate the tasks of high-quality translation are highlighted. A set of basic techniques for translating individual author's units in urban fantasy texts has been identified, and their role in the production of aesthetic and pragmatic effect in the translation of a literary work has been determined.


Urban fantasy, translation technique, transformation, individual author's unit, onym, author's occasionalism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205523   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-4-83-88

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