Translation of cultural references in «My life as teenage robot» episode titles into Russian: foreign language practical course

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Intertextual references, or cultural references, are quite common for various kinds of imaginative works, such as novels, movies, cartoons and computer games. Being an integral feature of such works, they play an essential role in creating their unique atmosphere, to say nothing about cases when such references are a key to understanding a plot or some certain aspects of a particular work. The issue of cultural references becomes extremely essential when it comes to translation of imaginative works from one language into another. This problem is quite complicated and comprehensive. In order to solve it, a translator should be taught to consider a number of factors all at once. Apart from being able to recognize a cultural reference (which is quite often “disguised” by the author by means of a play on words, etc.), a translator should also consider whether or not his audience is familiar with the origin of this reference, as well as select proper translation techniques and transformations in each particular case. All this requires a translator to be well aware of topics considering history and culture of foreign countries, show excellent professional skills and have creative approach to the process of translation.


Cultural reference, transformation, origin, a play on words, an imaginative work

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328942   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-52-56

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