Performances of the E-Nauka portal in the Republic of Serbia and its significance for researchers
Автор: Matijaevi J., Despotov M., Logarui D.
Журнал: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education @ijcrsee
Рубрика: Original research
Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.12, 2024 года.
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In recent years, digitalization has been recognized as a significant and necessary process that leads to better results, both in the education and in the scientific research. The legal and strategic framework in the Republic of Serbia follows the modern trends of the concept of open science, open knowledge, digital transformation and a unique digital format of scientific production. The Ministry of science, technological development and innovation, in cooperation with the Office for information technology and electronic administration, created the necessary conditions for dynamic the development of the scientific research and innovation system, especially in relation to the digitalization process and the establishment of an information platform, in the form of a unified national information system of scientific research activities: eNauka [eScience]. The concept of eNauka is an innovative tool that improves the efficiency and transparency of scientific processes in Serbia. The eNauka portal in the Republic of Serbia is dedicated to promoting scientific research, innovation and academic achievements within the scientific community of the Republic of Serbia. This portal provides access to scientific articles, research papers and academic publications authored by researchers from Serbia, which enables the spread of knowledge and the encouragement of scientific cooperation within the country. The eNauka portal was opened in full capacity for all active researchers in Serbia on July 3, 2023, and contains data on scientific research organizations in the Republic of Serbia, researchers and their scientific results. The goal of this paper was to bring closer to the academic community the capabilities and performance of the eNauka portal, its structure, the way and importance of data editing, with special reference to issues related to researchers’ profiles and their editing. The paper is methodologically based on a theoretical, preliminary desk analysis of relevant contemporary standpoints in domestic and foreign theory, a normative analysis of current legislative sources, an inductive and deductive approach in researching the operational performance and advantages of the eNauka portal, as well as the quantitative analysis of relevant statistical indicators of relevant parameters regarding the profile that each researcher has on the eNauka portal. The results include the analysis of data related to editing the researcher’s profile and the opportunities offered by the eNauka portal. The conclusion refers to the importance and advantages of the eNauke portal. Finally, it should be noted that one of the key functions of eNauka is the evaluation of scientific results. More precisely, the system provides the possibility of monitoring and evaluating research results, which is of great importance for the academic community.
Digitalization, scientific research organizations, scientific results, researchers, science, enauka
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170206408 | DOI: 10.23947/2334-8496-2024-12-2-373-385
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