Perinatal сhronomediсine: fetus biorhythmostasis at uncomplicated pregnancy and placental insufficiency

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Biorhythmologic approach in studying the perinatal pathology is studied insufficiently. Biorhythmologic longitudinal inspection of 98 pregnant women who are in the III trimester of gestation is carried out according to rules of the International society of chronobiologists. Research showed the advantage of accounting the temporary fluctuations of cardiotocography indicators, Doppler ultrasonography, trophic-adaptive of hormones in comparison with single measurements at an assessment of fetus state. The conclusion that inspection of fetoplacental complex taking into account fetus biorhythmostasis allows to reveal in due time the violations escaping when carrying out usual single inspection is drawn.


Fetoplacental complex, placentary insufficiency, chronic fetus hypoxia, circadian rhythm, chronomedicinen

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IDR: 148101973

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