Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum

Автор: Lukin Yury F.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Reviews and reports

Статья в выпуске: 19, 2015 года.

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The article represents the review of materials of the Perm Engineering and Industry Forum held on the 6th-­‐7th of November 2014 in Perm. The Forum represented a project of the federal scale, under which dozens of round tables and seminars on the future of the Russian industry were held. The issues discussed at the Forum and the Resolution are correlated with the new industrialization of the Russian Arctic and the North and with the sixth technological order transition period.

Perm, economics, engineers, clusters, jobs, the sixth technological order, new industrialization

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148318732

Список литературы Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum

  • Basargin V.F. Stenogramma vistuplenija gubernatora Permskogo kraja na Permskom ingenerno-­‐promishlennom Forume. [Verbatim report of the speech of the Perm Regional governor on Perm engineering and industrial Forum]. Available at: http://­‐rech.htm (Accessed 15 April 2015).
  • Ibgeneri opredelili principi i uslovija “novoi industrializacii” [Engineers discussed the principles and conditions of the “new modernization”] 7th of November 2014. Available at: http://­‐relizy/novost-­‐18.htm (Accessed 15 April 2015)
  • “Permskie tezisi — 2014” Perm ingenerno-­‐promishlenniy forum .Ekspertnaja sborka [“Perm thesis — 2014”. The Perm engineering and industrial Forum 6-­‐7 November 2014 “Expert collection”] Available at: http://­‐cessed 15 April 2015)
  • Glazev, S.Y. Strategija operegaushego razvitija Rossii v uslovijah globalnogo krisisa [Strategy of the advanced development of Russia and the global crisis] Available at:­‐content/uploads/ PC122 013/PC2013-­‐12-­‐194-­‐232-­‐sy-­‐glaziev.pdf (Accessed 15 April 2015)
  • Kablov E.N. Shestoi tehnologicheskyi uklad [The 6th technological order].Nauka i gizn, 2010, no.4. Available at: 15 April 2015)
  • Prokhorov I.A. Nachalo 7-­‐ogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [The beginning of the 7th technological order]. Available at:­‐tech-­‐ structure.aspx (Accessed 15 April 2015)
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