Personal rights and freedoms – the forms and trends of protection

Автор: Dejan Logarušić , Ivica Lazović

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.40, 2023 года.

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In the paper, the authors analyze the history, application and effects, respectively the achieved level of personal rights and freedoms as a part of human rights. The right to life is an elementary human right, a right that is natural, permanent, unchangeable, inalienable and no one has the right to dispose of another’s life. The European Convention prohibits the death penalty or the states undertake not to carry it out striving to remove the death penalty from the law. Personal rights include the right to respect and inviolability of the physical, moral and spiritual integrity of every person. A large number of multilateral conventions advocate the prohibition of slavery and human trafficking. The right to marry, start a family and have children is included in the family law, as well as the inviolability of the apartment and property relations of the spouses regarding the property acquired in marriage and before marriage. The inviolability of the secret of letters is recognized by the European Convention on the protection of the acquired rights and guarantees for their respect. The electronic communication network represents transmission systems that, for the sake of security, integrity and confidentiality of communications, should apply adequate measures. The right to protection of personal data represents an additional guarantee of inviolability of human integrity. In the paper, there has been used a normative method, supplemented with an analytical and deductive methodological approach, as well as a basic quantitative data analysis and the provisions of the Criminal Code. The achieved level of human and minority rights cannot be reduced. The paper itself represents a contribution to a higher development and application of the equal regulation at both the national and international levels.


Human rights, marriage, security of e-communications, secret letters, inviolability of integrity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170202152   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp2301001L

Список литературы Personal rights and freedoms – the forms and trends of protection

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