Perspectives of complex use the raw materials of calendula medicinal (Calendula officinalis L.)

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Phytochemical research on definition the maintenance of flavonoids and carotinoids sum in flowers, seeds, leaves and roots of calendula medicinal or a marigold medicinal ( Calendula officinalis L.) sort of “Kalt”, cultivated in Samara oblast. It is established that the greatest contents of flavonoids (4,37%±0,04%) and carotinoids (63,10mg %±3,56%) is noted in flowers of a marigold. New approaches to standardization allow to realize a row of resours problems within rational use of vegetable resources.

Calendula medicinal (marigold), (calendula officinalis l.), flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, flavonoids, standardization, narcissinum, routines, isoquercytrine, β-carotine

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IDR: 148101901

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