Prospects for the development of dance vocabulary of small ethnic groups in choreographic education in China
Автор: Spinzhar N.F., Yan J.
Журнал: Культура и образование @cult-obraz-mguki
Рубрика: Социокультурные практики
Статья в выпуске: 3 (54), 2024 года.
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The article raises questions of scientific substantiation of the need to expand the scope of professional training of choreographers in order to study the foreign cultural vocabulary of small peoples who live in China. Based on an expert survey of leading specialists in the field of folk dance, approaches, contradictions and ways to solve problems that at this stage need to be solved are analyzed. Attention is paid to the national autonomous region of China Inner Mongolia, where, along with the Chinese and Mongolian population, other national minorities live. Experts drew attention to the processes of assimilation, cultural identity and cultural and historical differences in the understanding of the choreographic heritage and the study of folk dance in universities. Attention is drawn to the pedagogical and research activities of famous choreographers of China Garamyn Dolgorsuren and Dunzhaaagiin Nanzhid. At the end of the article, the prospects for the development of choreographic education, the association of specialists, the creation of creative groups are determined for the development of a research base and educational and methodological support.
Dance vocabulary, foreign cultural vocabulary, small peoples of china, folk choreography, choreographic education
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 144163222 | DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2024-354-117-126