Phytochemical analysis of Artemisia herba alba asso (Asteraceae) species
Автор: Saleh B.
Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.20, 2024 года.
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Phytochemical analysis of Artemisia herba-alba Asso (Asteraceae) species has been carried out using fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) technique and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. FT-IR spectra of the aerial parts (buds AB, leaves AL and flowers AF) of A. herba-alba powder revealed the presence of 12 peaks, of which 11 common peaks characteristics of the three A. herba-alba studied aerial parts. Whereas, the peak of 1632 cm-1 [(assigned to Alkenyl C=C stretch-Olefinic (alkene) group)] was observed in AB and AF aerial parts and not in AL. As for GC-MS analysis, data revealed 12 & 10 chemical compounds classes in A. herba-alba buds extracts of which, Bicyclic monoterpenoids (37.026 & 49.022%) was presented as a major compound in methanolic and ethanolic buds extracts, respectively. Whereas, 17 & 14 chemical compounds classes were detected in A. herba-alba leaves extracts, of which, Fatty acid amides (28.687 & 25.687%) was presented as a major compound in methanolic and ethanolic leaves extracts, respectively. While, 16 & 11 chemical compounds classes were detected in A. herba-alba flowers extracts, of which Fatty acid amides (25.623 & 23.295%) was presented as a major compound in methanolic and ethanolic flowers extracts, respectively. These bioactive materials make this species as a good candidates for different pharmaceutical and medicine academic researches and applications.
Artemisia herba-alba, ft-ir, gc-ms, phytochemical analysis
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IDR: 143183447
Список литературы Phytochemical analysis of Artemisia herba alba asso (Asteraceae) species
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