Phytochemical screening, functional group identification and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of the medicinal shrub - Justicia adhatoda L

Автор: Nagalakshmi R., Anand S.P.

Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.20, 2024 года.

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Background: Justicia adhatoda is a potential source of natural medicine . In Ayurveda this plant is known as the ‘Vasaka’ that is well known medicinal plant which is used in treatment of various disorders. Given the well-established reputation of Justicia adhatoda as a medicinal plant, a phytochemical screening was performed to further investigate its composition and potential applications.

Antioxidant, justicia adhatoda, ethanol extract, phytochemical properties, ft-ir analysis

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IDR: 143183434

Список литературы Phytochemical screening, functional group identification and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of the medicinal shrub - Justicia adhatoda L

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