Planning academic and research work at a university chair

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The article falls under conceptual category and is devoted to the challenges of organizing effective research work at Russian universities. It is based on the analysis of well - known works in the given area, experience of the authors and general practice of fundamental and applied research at universities, institutes and Academy of Sciences. The article contains relevant discussion points concerning functioning mechanisms of research organization and interaction systems on the level of university, faculty, chair, team. Materials presented in the article are aimed at suggesting new approach to organizing and planning academic research which would base on the existing experience on the one hand and on the requirements posed by modern context of functioning and development of higher education on the other hand. The article was prompted by the need to understand the place and role of research in university management in the context of Russian professional education modernization. In order to achieve this aim the authors use systematic approach to organization of research and modern methods of strategic management, efficacy monitoring and evaluation of results. Results obtained by the authors are presented in the form of concrete organizational and methodic suggestions on further improvement of research planning and organization alongside with general system of specialist training quality management at the university. Suggestions include differentiation of organizational mechanism both in short and long -term aspects and in fundamental and applied research. This should allow for significant increase of research organization efficacy at all levels. Conclusions presented in the article broaden general understanding of place and role of professors and lecturers in defining priority research trends, research planning and efficacy evaluation. Once suggestions made by the authors are implemented at the university they would allow for boosting students'' creativity on the basis of creative approach whether it is humanities, technical or natural sciences that the chair specializes in. The article formulates recommendations on organization and planning of research work at Russian universities that are aimed at improving results of university management in the field of research. Practical implementation would require


Organization, planning, management, research, chair, university, budgeting

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142140189

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