Approaches to measuring ecosystem services on a forest management territory

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Analysis of methodological techniques and examples of assessing ecosystem services as elements of natural capital has been the subject of the research. Identification of acceptable approaches for assessing key ecosystem services for the Komi Republic forest management area has been the purpose of the study. The forest sector is extremely important for the economic well-being of the region. In this regard, indicators of key services of forest ecosystems are considered and determined - biodiversity conservation, water protection and water regulation functions, and carbon dioxide absorption capacity. Two approaches are proposed for the measuring: regional (by forestry and districts) and corporate (by small river basins). The regional approach uses information from the Red Book of Russia and the Komi Republic, statistics, information on the forest management of forestries and the state of the environment in the region. The corporate one is based on more detailed indicators: the area of forests of high environmental value and key biotopes; quality characteristics of forests of small river basins on a rental area. The natural capital accounting should be the basis for the effective use of natural assets and for responsible and sustainable forest management.


Ecosystem accounting, ecosystem services, forest and water ecosystems, biodiversity, water regulation and water protection, carbon dioxide absorption

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149140487   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2022-3-56-65

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